KidSight screens 43,000 kids.
Holly Rutherford-Allen is our Executive Director of Colorado KidSight.  Our Colorado program  has taken the leadership roll in KidSight USA.  Holly provided a wealth of information about KidSight.  We plan an in depth article in a Special Edition Roarings.  Some bottom numbers illustrates how our program has grown.   The number of children screened has grown from 6,000 in 2004 to more than 43,100 in our last fiscal year.  Undetected vision problems, if left untreated can lead to Amblyopia (lazy eye), which is the leading cause of vision loss in children.  The current goal for KidSight Colorado is to screen 45,000 kids yearly, which represents more than 50% of the children born each year in Colorado.  The statewide referral rate is 12%.
Lions are having a huge impact on the lives of Colorado children.