Becoming and Being City Auditor
Lion Tim O’Brien who is also the Denver Auditor talked about his campaign and some of the functions of the job.  He had a lot of fun campaigning.  He meet with home association, neighborhood groups, business leaders, and made hundreds of calls.  What he like was meeting so many great people.

As a kid Tim did not like his picture taken.  In many of the family photos Tim looks like he is hiding.  He has gotten over this as he now gets his picture taken very often.

At one neighborhood meeting a mom introduced her 14 year old son who was very smart.  After a brief conversation the son asked Tim what does an “Auditioner” do.

On election night he had his cell phone app ready to watch results.  The first results came in at 7:00 pm.  At that time he leaped out of his chair and said they won.  At the first posting he had an 8% lead and the other candidate could not overcome such a lead.  As the night progressed he received the congratulator calls.

Tim talked about the job.  When he started he was the only CPA in the office.  His goal is to hire more CPA’s for an auditing job.  So far he now has three and is looking for more.  He discussed how many of the laws passed help Denver be a better run city.  Such as Denver has a strong Mayoral government.  The Mayor presents the budget but the council needs 9 of 13 votes to change it. This makes the City Auditor important to make sure the money from the State, Taxes, Grants, and Federal, and other sources is spent properly.