Enkhzaya Dambii is from Mongolia and on her third visit to Colorado she was the guest of Lion Myrna Ann Adkins.    She attended Spring Institute in 2009 to improve her English and attend some writing courses. 
In Mongolia Enkhee is a businesswoman, a journalist and an activist in Civil Society activities.    She told us about her experience at our Lions meeting.  Excerpts from her letter:
“Lions club members in Denver do extraordinary things, which are destined to change “people in need’s” attitude towards society, their belief in the future, and their self-evaluation as a member of society. No one can live without other human beings; …“People in need” feel the same way when they are in trouble; they feel isolated and mean. But your approach, your Lion’s kind of protection makes a lot of difference to those people. Someone would think for example;  
“Would some eyeglasses make a big difference to someone now days?” But for sure eyeglasses will help those who need them to see worlds brighter side, to feel human’s warm hearts, and feel united but not isolated. “