There is no doubt that the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank is one of the most successful projects of the Lions of Colorado. So it is important that you know what the eye bank faces in its future. On the horizon are a big variety of technological advancements that will completely transform eye banking as we know it. The scientific development is going on now and your Lions eye bank is a part of it through various partnerships with researchers around the country and the world. The eye bank is poised to help usher in this new era as a world leader in eye banking, even as many Lions eye banks close.
Naturally, continued success relies on us being smart and visionary. It also relies on significant investment of our resources. You can be proud of the board of directors you’ve elected for the eye bank, as it wisely recognized the need to evolve with ever-changing technology. It has allocated much of our assets to assist us as we move toward this future. These include equipment purchases, investment in research and development, staffing, and the expansion of our physical space. In fact, we’ve begun remodeling our Annex building in order to help us meet new, European regulations. Now, more than ever, is the time for the continued support of Lions like you. Today, the eye bank is asking you to join with its board of directors and rise to the challenge of contributing just $20 per Lion — or more if you like — before the end of the current fiscal year in support of your Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank. This campaign will kick-off the eye bank’s journey down this new, exciting road full of challenges, but also full of rewards for those it serves awaiting sight-restoration.