We would like your support.   he Lions of Colorado give so much to their communities and we'd love to have you place an ad in our program for the Convention this year on May 18th and 19th to help support the Lions.
Some of you advertised your business, some thanked a person for their service, others advocated for an event or fundraiser.  Most of you are Lions already and know how much we count on you to put on a great weekend of motivation, learning, and fun.
The ads are very cost effective with a business card at $30, ¼ page at $50, ½ page at $75, full page at $100.
Your ad dollars will go towards the program printing, entertainment and seminar speakers.
Please see the Program Advertising Registration form for the Convention
Click Here for the advertising submission form.   Or Carol Louks  720.841.9526
Deadline for advertising is April 15.