Name: Dennis A. Oliver.
Family:  Single with no children
Where were you born and raised?
Born: Portland, Oregon; raised in Holyoke, Colorado
Current job or retired job?
38 years as an independent land-man in the oil, gas, and mineral industry
Hobby or interests?
Project Angel Heart volunteer, Band of Brothers men's group, attend Buddhist instruction and meditation, Thai Chi, travel the world, member and active with the Newman Center and Arvada, 100% foodie - critique restaurants, University of Denver continuing adult education, active member of World Denver, member of the World Trade Center Denver.
Joined the Denver Lions becauseā€¦
I have several friends from Holyoke who have been active in the organization. I am learning to live in a low-vision environment and your organization specializes in charity work related to vision issues. I may have low vision, but I still want to be active.
What do you hope to accomplish as a Lion?
I hope to meet new friends and socialize with fun activities and participate in various charity functions.
What three words best describe you?
Acceptance, gratitude, contentment
What are a couple of bucket list items for  you?
Travel to Ireland, keep in contact with relatives and friends on a personal basis.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Quick answer to my father when he asked me, I said, "Rich." He informed me an honest person with an honorable job was important in life, not how much money they made. I was blessed to have a superb education at the University of Denver and then went on to become a gemologist in Los Angeles. My clientele was the rich and famous, but I discovered it was indeed not living in the real world. My second career was in the oil, gas, and mining industry. Looking back, I think I accomplished most of my goals in the business world.
What was one of your biggest accomplishments?
I had the privilege and honor to give mineral owners in many cases life changing economic rewards by presenting them with a sizable check. I had the financial ability to assist eight young adults to attend and graduate college.
Where did you go to school?
I went to Northeastern College in Sterling, Colorado, and later served on the board for six years. I graduated from the University of Denver with a BSBA degree in International Marketing.
What else should we know about you?
My friends and business associates proclaim me an extrovert.