As the coordinator for the Denver Den’s Glasses for the masses I would like to take this opportunity to say  I am so appreciative  of your confidence in me to be so  …. and to tell all of you how gratetful  I am to the volunteers in Glasses for the Masses for their steady hand at the helm to ensure a continued flow of used glasses for this important aspect of the Denver Den Lions of Denver -  and especially my appreciation to Jim Hannifin and Steve Kinsky and Dwight Steen for keeping me posted with all the goings on while I have been “out of the loop” since early January. 
I also want to thank most particularly LION BOB FRYE - after years of volunteering, he is retiring from the ranks of GFM.  He will be sorely missed....
And Yeppers - you know what is coming next!  How about one [or more!] of you Lions standing in the wings stepping up?  This is not one of those "every day and twice on Sunday" dealies - it's as easy as puddin' pie! Don't be shy now!  Just give  me a call and I shall fill you in the way we go about it.
I am hoping to finally get off this tether I have been on and make it to at least a couple of meetings in May.  I actually miss some of Maggiano’s  cookin’, definitely their salads, and specially those crunchy rolls w/gobs of butter on them! 
Looking forward to seeing you all in late May. 
Lion BeeGee McKenzie