Dear Lions of  Colorado,
The Board of Directors of the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank is asking for the support of the Lions Clubs in Colorado to amend the Eye Bank's Constitution.
The RMLEB Board of Directors will ask for a vote to accept the proposed changes to our Constitution, during the Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank, taking place Saturday morning at the virtual convention of the Colorado State Lions this spring. These changes were voted on and accepted during the Wyoming State Lions virtual convention held in 2020.
The text of the proposed changes is enclosed with this correspondence and is being emailed to each Lions Club in MD-6 more than 30 days prior to the convention as required by the constitution. Please review these changes, which are printed in red, in preparation for the vote during the RMLEB meeting.
I look forward to seeing you, virtually, at the State Lions Conventions and would like to thank you in advance for your consideration and support for these proposed changes to the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank Constitution.
Sincerely,    PDG Joe Rall     RMLEB Secretary
CLICK HERE to see the Constitution changes