Helping Create Safe Nurturing Homes
Child Protection
658 Families Served     82% Successfully remained intact or reunited in safe and stable homes
Adolescent Services
1473 Families Served     76% of youths in our programs were successful in meeting their treatment goals such as eliminating substance use ad not having further involvement in the justice system.
Foster and Group Homes
204 Families Served       13% of youth in our care network have been out of the home for over a year compared to 45% statewide. 
“I am proud that we prioritize serving kids and families. Less than 10% of our budget is spent on administrative and fundraising costs.”  Lion Norma Aguilar Dave – Executive Director
CLICK HERE for the complete Annual Gratitude Report with financial information and heartwarming success stories.  It is well worth reading.
A big Lion Roar for the Denver Lions serving on the Savio Board – Ron Abo, Robert McCormick, William Adams, Sally Hooks, Dan Kiel, Dianne Pape, Charles Anderson