Dear Lions' Club,
A huge thank you from ACC on behalf of our client, Antoinette. She is a middle aged woman who was moved into a nursing home after an extended hospital stay. As this nursing home is purely paid for by Medicaid and Medicare, there are not many amenities. Antoinette shared the food was making her ill and she often wouldn't eat. She missed her fresh fruits and vegetables. ACC did not have funds to purchase a fridge even though a relatively small purchase could provide a large and positive life change for our client. The fridge was delivered to Antoinette by an ACC staff and she was extremely happy and thankful. She has a SNAP card and may purchase items to her liking. In addition she can be added to our food pantry delivery which provides culturally appropriate food to clients' homes. This will certainly all have a positive impact on her recovery. 
Thank you again for helping to make a client of ACC very happy and healthy!
With thanks,  Chelsea Primak,  Programs Manager  ECDC African Community Center