Lion Meeting Tues April 9
Event;  Denver Lions Club
DateTuesday, April 9, 2024
Time: Noon
Location: American Legion Post 1, located at 5400 E. Yale, Denver CO 8022   (Yale and I25)
CLICK HERE to RSVP.  Thank you if you have already responded to Evite
Speaker - District Governor 6C - Dianne Christian
Eyeglass Sorting Event
We need a lot of help as we have a lot of glasses.    Come sort and have lunch.  
Event:        Lions Recycled Eyeglass Sorting
Date:          Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Time:          10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Lunch:       Included
Location:   Baptist Church 1373 Grant St Denver
Parking:     Next to church.  Stop by the church office for a parking tag.
RSVP: We need to know who is coming so we have enough
If you bring glasses to the church, make sure you discard cases before coming.
David Lambert     text or call  720.436.5064 
Service project to help vets April 19
Event: Stuffing Backpacks for homeless veterans
Date: Friday, April 19
Time: 6 pm
Location: Renaissance Hotel 3801 Quebec Denver 80207
Lion Steve Krebsbach 303.748.1886
You do not need to register for the convention to stuff bags.
Lions District 6C, our District, is putting together 250 backpacks for homeless veterans as a service project for the 6C convention.
Our Foundation will generously donate to the cause so the organizers can purchase the needed ingredients for the backpacks.
Denver Lions, this is a great opportunity to show our Denver Den pride and have a good turnout here.  I ask all new members, especially those not involved with a project yet, to be there and help.
I would like to get at least five of us there, preferably newer members so you can also meet other Lions from other clubs.
We need to RSVP how many we have coming by the end of March, so please respond to this email with your intentions to help.  Feel free to bring your family or friends to help as well.  There will be a hospitality room open to all the volunteers that evening as a small reward for showing up!
Lions Banquet and Golf June 4
Well, it’s that time of year again to start thinking about the Denver Lions annual golf outing and banquet!  This will be held at Meadow Hills GC and will be on June 4, 2024, with tee times starting at noon, the bar opening at 5 pm, and the banquet starting at 6 pm.

As always, we invite everyone to participate in the golf and banquet or just the banquet.  Invite your friends and family.  Door prizes will be available to all.

This is my call for donations for door prizes, either monetary or item. Any sort of item will do, and it does not need to be related to golf. Thanks to all for your previous support with this.

I need your RSVPs to determine whether you plan to attend just the golf, just the banquet, or both.

Golfers, as always, this is a scramble tournament open to players of all abilities. Please invite family and friends to join you for this and the banquet. If you are planning to golf, I need to know if you have others you want to play with for your foursome.

To recap:
Golf and Banquet, June 4
Need door prizes or money to buy them
Will you attend
Will you have guests?  Who and how many?
Do you want to have fun??  YAY! 

Details on the golf rules and dinner menu to come later.

Lion Steve (double bogie) Krebsbach

Text or email your responses to me
Lions Camp Newsletter 
CLICK HERE for the Colorado Lions Camp newsletter. 
Lions branding change
Our two historic brands, Lions Clubs International and Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), are uniting under one "umbrella" brand—Lions International—so we can talk to the world about our collective service and impact. Because the world sees us as one. They see us as Lions. And the truth is, we are united in our mission of service.
CLICK HERE for more information on this change
Holly for International Director
LCIF update
A good and faithful Lion passed from our mists. That Lion was PCC Lance Balding of 6W and former MD6 Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) Coordinator. I admired his passion and enthusiasm for Lions International, LCIF and Pin designing and collecting. I also enjoyed serving and learning from him. He was a patient, wise and kind mentor. He will be so missed.
Giving is just starting to increase! Thanks to all of you in Multiple District 6 (MD6) who have been donating to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) this Lion’s year. As of 1/31/2024, about one-third of our clubs throughout Colorado have raised nearly $27,438. This is 40% of our published goal $68,310; and 37% of the stretch goal of $75,000 that PIP Brian Sheehan hopes we in MD6 will reach by the end of this Lion’s year.
We would love to have 100% club participation! If you or your Club have not made a donation as yet, it is not too late to help us raise more money. We only have five months left so let’s STRETCH!
There are many ways to give to LCIF both as a club and as an individual - - monthly installments; one-time contributions on-line through the website or by use the QR codes; a qualified contribution distribution (QCD), or through a legacy arrangement.
Fundraisers - Your club can also hold a fundraiser to raise funds for LCIF - - I expect each District to have some sort of fundraiser at their respective Conventions as well as at the MD6 Convention. Ideas might include 50/50 raffles, silent auctions, golf tournaments, roulette wheels, recycling aluminum cans or eyeglass cases containing metals; guessing games...the list goes on. Just be sure to put the FUN in fundraising!
DCG Grant Approved! District 6C recently applied for and was approved for its first District/Club Community Grant (DCG) in the amount of $2,500 for a Service Project called Helping Homeless Veterans Backpack Project which will be conducted at the District 6C Convention on Friday evening (April 19th). They plan to assemble and fill 250 backpacks for this Project.
State Convention  May 2 to 4
Event: Colorado State Convention
Date: May 2 to 4, 2024
Location: Akron, CO
CLICK HERE for registration and more information
We are only six weeks away from the 2024 MD 6 Lions state convention. This message serves as a reminder and update on convention activities.
All rooms in Akron are now filled. We have made arrangements in Brush and Yuma to accommodate you. Boarders Inn is in Brush, the closest town to Akron. Call them directly at 970-842-4241. Their rate is $89.18 plus tax for one queen and $96.46 plus tax for two queens.
Cobblestone Inn in Yuma 970-360-0131 has a rate of 112.96 plus tax for 2 queens or 1 king.
RV/camper space is available at Washington County Fairgrounds for a discounted $20/night rate. The reservation form is attached. Mark the form with "Lions Club" to receive the discounted rate.
Golf Cart Challenge
This event has been added on Friday, May 3rd, in the early afternoon. The event puts a team of 2 in a golf cart to navigate a half-mile course. The challenge is that the driver is blindfolded and relies on his or her teammate's directions to navigate the course. It is a timed event. The entry fee is $10 per team, with 50% of the fees going to prizes and 50% to LCIF.
Plenty of space remains in the golf tournament on Friday, May 3rd. Four person scramble is the format. Teams must have a minimum of 2 Lions. The registration form is attached.
The registration form for the convention is also attached. We hope to see you in May!
Lion Bill Sour
1st Vice District Governor 6 NE
State Convention Chairman
Upcoming Speakers
Lion Steve Kinsky has lined up some great speakers for the Denver Lions Meetings.   Guests are always welcome
  • Lion Dianne Christian DG District 6C- April 9
  • Jenna Matthews - Denver Waste Management - April 23
  • Mark Masto - Foresight Adventure - May 14
  • Jef Reisig-  Youthroots - October 8
  • Cole Finegan - US Attorney for District of Colorado -  January 14
  • Bobbie D'Addario- Alzheimer's Association  - February 11
  • Lion Dan Kiel - February 27
  • Jenna Matthews-  CIG - April 23 
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