Annual Golf - Dinner
Give a BIG LION ROAR to Lion Steve Krebsbach for all his efforts in organizing this year's golf and dinner.  A lot of fun with the door prizes.  Thanks to all who donated gifts. We had 40 Lions, guests, and family for dinner.
Dinner and Golf Outing
Lion ROAR for Lion Steve Krebsbach for arranging the annual golf outing.  We had twelve golfers.  The winning foursome was Bill and Dave Adams, Don Smith, and Ron Abo.  Dave Adams won close to the pin as he was the only golfer to get the ball to the green.
Melvin Jones Award
Lion Jim Hannifin was presented with the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award. 
Lions Clubs International recognizes outstanding individuals by giving them an award named for its founder, Melvin Jones. This Fellowship Award is the highest form of recognition and embodies humanitarian ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism. The recipient of this award becomes a model because of his exemplary service to his club and the community for which it serves.

Lion Jim has been a Denver Lions Foundation Trustee several times. He is currently the Foundation President and has worked tirelessly on its challenges.

Congratulations Lion Jim

Humanitarian Award
Lion Terry Lutts was presented the Lion Humanitarian Award by Lion President Sally.
The Lions Humanitarian Award is the association's highest honor, given to an individual who has demonstrated exemplary humanitarian efforts.
Lion Terry has served the Club in many roles in the past 26 years: Secretary, Club Director, Foundation Trustee, Rude Park Learning Center Director, Eye Bank Director, and Sight Chair.  Lion Terry has received the Lion of the Year and Melvin Jones Fellowship Award.
As the chair of the Sight Committee, Lion Terry's efforts have brought the gift of sight to hundreds of people in need. His management of the program to provide eye exams and glasses to those in the City and County of Denver has made a significant difference in their lives.
Congratulations, Lion Terry, and a well-deserved thank you for what you have accomplished 
Thank You
Lion Jeff Orne attends each of our Lions Meetings at the American Legion Post, which is a new location for our meetings. Lion Jeff was there early to help Lion President Sally set up
A Lion ROAR to thank Jeff.
2024- 2025 Officers, Diredtors, Trustees
Denver Lions 2024 – 2025 Officers, Directors and Trustees
Club Officers
  • Dan Kiel – President
  • Bo Pogue – 1st VP
  • Jeff Orne – 2nd VP
  • Steve Kinsky – Secretary
  • Ned Nagle – Treasurer
  • Directors – Sally Hooks, Bob Sweeney, Doug Brown
Denver Lions Foundation
  • Jim Hannifin – President
  • Trustees – Norma Aguilar-Dave, Abhay Lale, Dave Lambert, Sally Hooks, Tim O’Brien, Shyam Rangole , Adam Kehrli, Mel Tewahade
District Governor Lion Dianne Christian led the induction ceremony. 

Vision Mission Trips

Upcoming Eyesight Screening Missions 

Denver Lions Club is scheduling two significant Eyesight Screening Campaigns later this year in Ecuador and Mexico.

For Ecuador, the dates will be August 22 through September 2:

•    touring in the northern part of Ecuador, August 23-25;

•    setup and screening in Quito from August 26-29;

•    Set up and screened in Guayaquil from August 30 through September 2.

Ecuador’s Ministry of the Interior will sponsor and coordinate the project. The police will benefit from our humanitarian efforts there. We will need to arrive two days early to get things set up. Afterward, volunteers can schedule a trip to the Galapagos, if desired, through a connection we have to a travel agency in Guayaquil.

For Mexico, the dates will be October 27-31 in Cuernavaca. Cuernavaca is near Mexico City and is a Sister City to Denver. It is the location for a campaign conducted there last year, at which we provided eyeglasses to 1,200 people. Cuernavaca’s Ministry of Economic Development will sponsor and coordinate with Denver Sister Cities. Dia de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a significant event in Mexico, and there will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy the festivities.

We plan to collaborate with Surgical Eye Expeditions (SEE) International to secure eye doctors to accompany us.

We are optimistic that we will be able to mitigate, if not wholly fund, the expenses for accommodations in Ecuador and Mexico. We will keep you posted on this.

Please join us for all or any part of either or both campaigns. You will find your volunteer work most rewarding and gratifying. You will see the impact of your work on the faces of all those who find that they can now see better, enabling them to enrich their lives accordingly.

If you are interested and want more information, contact Steve and Susy Kisky at 303.263.3901
The Denver Den Impacts 100,000 People Each Year