Lion Meeting Tues Sept 24
Event;  Denver Lions Club
DateTuesday, September 24, 2024
Time: Noon
Location: American Legion Post 1, located at 5400 E. Yale, Denver, CO 8022   (Yale and I25)
Thank you if you have already responded to Evite
Speaker Steve Ladin - who has worked for health care and pharmaceutical companies.
Oktoberfest Picnic Saturday Sept 28
We are having an  Oktoberfest picnic in the fall.
Please bring your family and friends.
Event:  Annual picnic
Date:  Saturday, September 28, 2024
Time: 11 am to 2 pm
Where: Lion Fletcher's apartment clubhouse
Address:  Kent Place Residence 3465 S Gaylord Ct, Englewood CO 80113      Corner of Hamden and University 
Parking: In the King Soopers parking lot
Entrance:  Through to garage.  Look for the Lion logo signs.  Second floor to clubhouse
Bring a dish to share.   The club will provide the hot dogs, hamburgers, and fixings.
Thank you if you have already responded.  To RSVP with evite CLICK HERE.
Eyeglass Sorting and Packaging Event
Our Eyesight Screening Campaign in Mexico from October 28 to 31
To outfit our patients properly with eyeglasses from COLERC (Colorado Lions Eyeglasses Recycling Center), we need to sort and pack the eyeglasses in a manner that enables us to work quickly to find the right ones for each person, especially given the number of people we will be seeing. This is an involved process, and we need your help! It will make our work so much easier!
Event:        Eyeglass Sorting and Packing for Mission Trip
Date:          Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time:          10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Lunch:       Included
Location:   Baptist Church 1373 Grant St Denver
Parking:     Next to church.  Stop by the church office for a parking tag.
RSVP:        Need to know who is coming so we have enough food.
RSVP Steve Kinsky   303.263.3901
Upcoming Important Dates
Upcoming important dates
  • Tuesday Sept 24 – Club Meeting
  • Saturday Sept 28- Octoberfest party
  • Thursday October 3 Club Board Meeting
  • Tuesday Oct 15 - eyeglass packaging event
  • Tuesday Oct 8 – Club Meeting
  • Saturday Sept 21
  • Monday Sept 23
  • Monday October 19
  • Monday October  28
  • Saturday November 16
Next Vision Campaign to Mexico -   October 25 to November 3
Vision Mission to Mexico
Susy and Steve Kinsky are planning a Vision Mission to Cuernavaca, Mexico, from October 26 to November 3. We will conduct vision screenings, eye exams, and glasses fittings.   
We will use the glasses we collected. This is very rewarding, as you witness people, young and old, being able to see again. We can also participate in the Dia de Los Muertos celebration and go sightseeing.
We are partnering with Sister Cities for this event.
If you have never been on a Vision Mission, this is one to go on.
Interested, contact Lion Steve Kinsky   303.263.3901
State and District 6C newsletters
CLICK HERE for the September issue of the state newsletter "Mane Lioner"
CLICK HERE for the District 6C newsletter
A lot of good information on what other clubs are doing. Also a lot of good reports from various committees.
Amendment to Club constitution 
Please read through the attached document. It is a proposal to amend the Denier Lions Club's Constitution to include Associate Members. It includes the added language, the membership types defined by LCIF, and our Constitution for review.
We have two members of another Lions Club who would like to join as Associate Members of our club so they can attend our luncheon, service projects, and other events.
By adding the Associate Member level to the Denver Lions Club, we would be able to welcome members of other clubs who see value in being associated with the Denver Lions Club. These members would pay quarterly dues of $90 and have lunches included. We do not have any funds due to LCIF for Associate Members, which is why the quarterly dues are set at $90. The amount was agreed upon by the Denver Lions Club Board of Directors.
The Denver Lions Club Board of Directors has reviewed the attached and has voted to approve the Amendment to our Constitution to include the Associate Member category.
Members of the Denver Lions Club have two weeks to submit any feedback in support or against this measure. If no negative feedback is received, the Amendment will be made.
Please submit all feedback to DLC President Dan Kiel at so we have a written record.
Thank you
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